Insulin Pump Therapy:

Diabetes in toddlers & preschool children with type 1 DM

Litton et al 2002 (n=9 aged 10-40 months)

Factors leading to poor control

  • Unpredictable food intake
  • Unpredictable activity levels
  • Imprecise administration of low doses of insulin
  • Frequent viral infections
  • Inability to communicate symptoms of low BG, predisposing to frequent hypos

Diabetes in toddlers & preschool children with type 1 DM

Litton et al 2002 (2)

  • Patient selection criteria
  • Recurrent moderate/severe hyperglycaemia
  • HbA1c persistently > 9.0
Pre-pump Post-pump
9.5 +/- 0.4 7.9 +/- 0.3
Insulin dose no sig diffs
BG recordings no sig diffs
Linear growth no sig diffs
Weight gain no sig diffs
Severe hypos/ mth 0.52 +/- 0.1 0.09 +/_ 0.02
Parental clinic contact-day 5.9 +/- 1.5 46.3 +/- 4.4

Diabetes in toddlers & preschool children with type 1 DM

Litton et al 2002 (4)

  • A controlled study of the effects of discontinuation of pump therapy could not be conducted because all our families preferred CSII to MDI and refused to consider a return to previous modes of insulin administration
  • …the frequency of parental contacts with health personnel declined by >80 continued with CSII

Pumps & Paediatrics

Aherne et al 2002 (n=169: age range=1.5-18 yrs)

  • “CSII [insulin pump therapy] is an effective alternative to injection therapy in a large paediatric diabetes clinic setting. Even very young patients can utilise CSII to safely lower HbA1c levels”.
  • “Improved diabetes control was achieved with CSII without increasing daily insulin doses and in association with a decrease in the frequency of severe hypoglycaemic events (p=0.05 vs prepump, all three ages combined)”.
  • “There was a significant and consistent reduction in mean HbA1c levels after 12 months of CSII…(p=<0.02 vs prepump) that was maintained at the most recent visit”.
  • “The remarkable effectiveness of CSII in our youngest patients indicates that the child’s age should not be a barrier to the initiation of this therapy”

CSII vs MDI in adolescents: n=75

Boland et al 2000


Severe hypos – events/100 pt yrs (n=55)

Bode et al 1996

  • Severe hypos 138 (MDI) vs 22 (Yr 1 CSII).. 36 (Yr 4 CSII)
  • Total insulin dose reduced from 42.9 (MDI) to 36.4 (Yr1)..37.8 (Yr4)
  • DKA rates were 14.6 / MDI vs 7.6 CSII per 100 pt years ie – No significant difference

DKA Rates in Children & Adolescents (n=6)

Steindel et al 1995

  • MDI vs CSII
  • DKA episodes 31 vs 10
  • Mean no. hospitalisation/pt 5.2 vs1.7
  • Mean no. hospital days/pt 20.8 vs 5
  • Mean Treatment costs/pt – $’000 $29.33 vs $12.76

Less Day-to-day Fluctuations of Insulin Absorption During CSII Compared to Single Injections of Intermediate-acting Insulin

The absorption of 125I-labeled insulin by six diabetics during injection therapy, respectively eight patients with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, was determined during several days.*

Blood Glucose, HbA1c and Insulin Requirement of 14 Type 1 Diabetics Under CSII Compared to MDI Pre-treatment*

Blood glucose, HbA1c and insulin requirement under MDI and CSII

Severe Hypoglycemia, Insulin Requirement and HbA1c During MDI and CSII

Compensating Dawn Phenomenon With Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) With Variable Basal Rate

Blood glucose development between 2 and 8 am in 12 C-peptide negative type 1 diabetics (mean age: 30 ± 2 years; mean diabetes duration: 11 ± 2 years; HbA1: 8.9 ± 0.3 ) under continuous insulin infusion compared to 8 healthy probands

Correlation Between HbA1c and Frequency of Blood Glucose Self-monitoring Under Insulin Pump Treatment

Results of a questionnaire* on diabetics with an insulin pump treatment in Germany in 1998/1999. 2481 data sets

{(Diabetes duration: 20 ± 11 years; Treatment with an insulin pump: 3 ± 5 years; Frequency of daily blood glucose self-monitoring: 5.4 ± 1.8; HbA1c: 6.9 ± 1.1 ; standard range: 6 – 9 )

Effect of insulin Glargine compared with NPH on the frequency of hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes



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